Please see below a letter from concerned owner regarding speeding in the complex. There have been a number of posts on our site over the past few years regarding this important safety issue and yet people continue to speed through the complex.

It is imperative that everyone espeically residents respect our community, the safety of others, and observe the posted speed limit of 10 Klm. The last thing any of us want to see is someone get hurt, not to mention the potential criminal and civil implications due to someone’s negligence. This also applies to visitors to the complex, so I encourage you to have this conversation with your guest or other people visiting your unit.

Sent on behalf of the Safety and Security Committee

January 14, 2019

Dear Homeowners,

As a homeowner in Wills Creek, I wish to bring to your attention a matter of concern. 

Some homeowners have chosen to ignore the posted speed limit in our community and I believe it’s only a matter of time before a pedestrian is hurt or two cars collide.

Three times in the last few weeks while entering the complex I have come face to face with someone exceeding the posted speed limit. 

Each of these times could easily have become a collision because of the speed in which the other vehicles were travelling. 

I am also aware of the potential danger speeding can have with someone on foot. Several times I have had to jump off the side of the road, on to the curb because someone was driving carelessly.

Please for the safety of everyone in our community SLOW DOWN!

Concerned homeowner.

Wills Creek| Creating Community, Experience the difference

By Tom

One thought on “Speeding – Wills Creek”
  1. I agree with the above concerns, PLEASE SLOW DOWN, the time difference to and from your door when following the speed limit is minimal and the consequences for speeding can be severe!

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