Hello Residents of Wills Creek,

Traditionally, we have celebrated Hallowe’en with a function at the clubhouse for the children from our complex as well as the surrounding neighbourhood to walk through the scary decorations and pick out candy from trick-or-treat bowls.

We are pleased to announce that we are able to continue with this fun night and will be hosting a Wills Creek Hallowe’en Trick-or-Treat Station at the Club House on Monday, October 31 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. 

We will continue with the one-way directional trick-or-treat route clearly marked. We will use the walkway that runs from the front door area of the clubhouse as the entrance and use the gazebo as the exit area. Tables will be set up with volunteers where kids can access candy from bowls.

We have some outdoor decorations that we will use however, if you have any Hallowe’en decorations that you would like to donate or be willing to let us use of for the night, please let us know and we can arrange to pick them up. For those that wish to contribute treats or decorations, please drop them off at #7 – 3109 side or #12 – 3122 side of the complex.

In addition, many of you still like the little ones to come to your door.  If so, we are asking that you leave your front door light on. For those that do not want to participate, please turn your front light off.

Lastly, please remember to take extra precaution when driving in the complex on Hallowe’en. Drive slow and keep an eye out for our little ghosts and goblins.


Sent on behalf of your Social Committee

Wills Creek|Creating community, Experience the difference

By Tom