Fellow homeowners, summer is just around the corner, and we are looking forward to yet another wonderful season ahead of us with family and freinds

As you can see, the strata council is continuing our seasonal maintenance activities. Not only does this allow us to stay ahead of ongoing maintenance but also address our outstanding maintenance issues. As the season progresses you will notice other maintenance projects taking shape.

Landscaping is really looking good. Many homeowners have voiced their pleasure towards our landscaping contractor, Vista Landscaping. Our strata’s landscaping is starting to show its growth and maturity, its lush and green and the weather has been cooperating with needed moisture. Please get out for a walk around our complex and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

Many of you have asked about the re-opening of our pool/hot tub and fitness center.

As per the requirements of Fraser Health, your strata council has had to undertake and submit a re-opening plan, which is currently in front of Fraser Health for their review and approval. This plan must be accepted by Fraser Health, prior to allowing the facilities to re-open.  Your stata council acted swiftly to construct and submit the re-opening plan once it was made aware to us, as to how Fraser Health would move forward.   The re-opening plan is constructed using information provided by Fraser Health and Worksafe BC. The goal of the re-opening plan is to establish operational protocol in which to address COVID-19. The strata council has had to address many challenging operational details, in order to submit a plan which we feel will be in compliance with current established regulations. Some homeowners may already notice changes taking place in the pool area, as we prepare for a quick launch once our re-opening plan has been approved.

As soon as we receive notification from Fraser Health as to the status of our re-opening application, we will inform the homeowners, as well as distributing a Homeowners Re-Opening Guide, which will outline the actions which have been submitted and the new operations procedures which will be in place until further notice.

As will all matters surrounding COVID-19, we ask you to be prepared for change, as this is a continuously evolving situation.

In closing, I would like to thank all of our committees, volunteers and council members who continue to devote their time to our strata, thank you all, your efforts have made the difference!

If you would like to volunteer for any committee, please don’t hesitate to contact a strata council member or our property management group

Have a wonderful spring

Wills Creek President

Roger Morin

Wills Creek|Creating community, Experience the difference

By Tom