The homeowners have spoken with a unified vote on our resolution! The strata council would like to thank you for the largest ever turnout ever and for taking the time to let your voice be heard.

As winter approaches it’s important that we prepare our homes accordingly. By now all exterior hoses should now be removed from there associated hose bibs, gutters and downpipe filters checked to ensure they are free of the fall debris, and ensure your downpipe splash pads are directing water away from your foundation.

With humidity levels reaching 100% (fog) it’s important we have our furnace fan running continuously and all heat registers open to circulate the moist air trapped within our energy efficient homes. More and more of our homeowners are electing to reduce the moisture content within their home even further with the aid of a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers (Relatively inexpensive) along with air being continuously circulated substantially reduces the interior humidity levels and other issues associated with stagnate moist air.

Sent on behalf of the Strata Council

Wills Creek| Creating Community, Experience the difference

By Tom